Revelation for the Babes in Christ

do babies dream baby sleep nightmare womb

“A baby-like heart brings about flexibility towards God, humility before Him, and eagerness to know more of Him which generates the fruit of the spirit.”

Are You A Gutter? 5 ways to be of help as a Christian

Are you a gutter? How to be of help as Christians

Jesus singlehandedly played the role of uncountable gutters so that humans can become beautiful roads God can work and walkthrough. Where does that put me and you, Christians? Are we willing to go an extra mile for another?

14 Important Lessons from a failed marriage

14 Important Lessons from a failed marriage

From the fictional story are 14 Important Lessons from a failed marriage and how to cope with emotions as a child of God. Much more addressed to singles on the pitfalls to avoid before saying ‘I do’

Dying to Self: The How to discovering so much more

The secret to living is dying to self: How to die to self as a Christian

Dying to self is not what you want but what you need. You need to die if you claim and proclaim the name of Christ. You need to die to self! Dying to self is a process of denying oneself of the euphoria of this world.

Are you a dead sea? Helping others grow

Are you a dead sea? Helping others grow as Christians

There is no hidden secret to froth in all areas of a Christian life that isn’t hinged to helping others grow. Do you give more than you receive? You are most likely to experience growth

For Those Who Mourn- A short story

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…that God has chosen to separate us from your father does not mean our lives will continue to be miserable, his mother says, looking at the ceiling as though God is shyly hiding inside it and waiting for someone to call his name and ask him to come and have a plate of beans

How is your Spiritual Life? Does this question piss you off?

How is your Spiritual life?

But then, why do we hate the question ‘How is your spiritual life?’ Why are we so pissed, unhappy with it? Why do we term that question to be unnecessary meddling? Didn’t the Scriptures admonish us to be our brother’s keeper? Why then, does the majority love to speak more often of material things than answer this question when asked?

Altruism: The Heart of Humanism

Altruism: The Heart of Humanism1)

What is Altruism? Altruism is rooted in a powerful but endearing four-letter word called “love.” It is the Heart of Humanism

A Letter to Sister Martha

A letter to Sister Martha

Martha was mentioned three times in the Bible, and unlike Mary, Martha loved active service as many do. Read a letter to sister Martha addressed to Christians

When Independence Lies

when independence lies

Kate always looked calm and collected, which is what made her confession to be more shocking. After months of giving off the impression that everything was fine to her, she finally admitted to being plagued with thoughts of self-destruction and depression. She did not want to admit those thoughts to anyone. Yet holding them in […]

What If I Didn’t: A True Story

What if I didn't?

It was nothing far from an opportunity, the moment he decided to confide in me; all through our discussion I wondered what he must have seen in me; why did he speak as though I was righteous and holy?. Why did he think I worth being in the position of offering a piece of advice? […]