Once I took a trip down memory lane, reminiscing what I used to be, the paths I’ve walked and the deeds I never imagined would be a piece of whom I used to be… Such were many of us once drawn and caught in the world. Life was pleasant and warmly, her pleasures beckoned unto us for destruction made with foils of gold and silver; whose shining fades with the setting of the sun and the folding of the day.
Despite being told of what death is and her harbinger, yet we shyly bend ourselves, dancing to the beats of sin accompanied with the melodious chants and songs of lust, alienating us to the call of Elohim, blinding our sights to the beaming glory of The Divine that’s more gracious to behold than the glittering of gold nor glistening precious stones. Knowingly and unknowingly, we’re shying away from rest to embrace storms. ‘Life is worth living’, we say to ourselves forgetting that a place is worth more getting to even at the expense of what it might cost us.
…Life pleased me with pleasures without repentance that I felt on top of the world like I’m living life to its fullest but little did I know, I was dying. She was piercing me without a visible scar to show for it. My flesh was well nurtured but my spirit, bruised and without strength, losing his vigor, I was dying… Many think they are enjoying life because of her pleasures, little did we know that the devil is not symbiotic but parasitic. He only seems to give you what you will have in life because God has made all things for a man to have and dominate upon and the devil at the guise of giving that to man, he feeds on the soul of the man.
…But when I was almost dead, my Saviour came. He pulled me out of the pit of destruction and set my feet on the path to Life beyond life, that I may live forever! So, God, who will not leave the works of His hands in jeopardy, neither to see their destruction, paved a way to fulfill His intention for man, to give him an expected end! For what end would a man on a journey seek for, if not to return to his home; the place of rest, his expected end! But it’s a pity today because of who we are; sojourner, we have forgotten.
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Beloved, God’s love for us cannot be overemphasized because at every moment, just the thought of it is overwhelming. First, He gave His begotten Son to us that we might be saved from the wrath to come and that we might live afterlife and not perish. He then sealed this covenant of life with you, I and every other man on earth that would believe in His only Begotten Son through the death and resurrection of Christ.
It pleased Him to give, bruise and kill His Son for us. That we might be sinless, He made Him sin. That we might be sanctified, He spilled His blood. That we might have life, He died and that we might access the Father, He made Himself The Way!
Can you just take that same trip down memory lane and see what you used to be? Compare it with what you are now, is there any difference? Or are you still the same you that enjoys the pleasures of life at the expense of the place worth getting too?
Remember, ‘But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8(KJV)’
One Response
Thanks for this piece Ife
God’s love is always greater!