The Christian Author Interview with Stephanie Miller on Daachiever Inc.

The Christian Author Interview with Stephanie Miller – Episode 7

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Daachiever Inc. and our Interview Team is delighted to bring you a fresh innovation to the Christian Author Interview on our website. The journey began in June, and this week, we present to you; a podcast and a text format of the interview. Our Guest author for this episode is STEPHANIE MILLER. If you wish to listen to the podcast from our website, see the audio below. You can keep playing in the background while reading the text as you proceed. We do hope you enjoy this fresh episode.

Interview Team: I’m super excited; the first time I connected with you through your blog post this month on Deciphering Godly themes; I just felt connected with you; it was as though that post read through me, and was for me. It is an honor to have you here, Stephanie, and I’m super delighted.

Stephanie: Thank you so much for that; I am glad the post spoke to you

Interview Team: (to our readers, lovers worldwide) Thank you for joining us on this episode; we hope you have been blessed. If you like to recommend an author for us to interview, kindly send an email to moc.reveihcaadobfsctd@yrotciv. We will now proceed to ask our Guest author some questions; we do hope you read this post to the end.

The Christian Author Interview with Stephanie Miller on Daachiever Inc.
The Christian Author Interview with Stephanie Miller on Daachiever Inc.
PART I- Questions on the Author’s upbringing, and the writing stage of her new book (The Christian Author Interview)

Question 1: Well, can we meet you? Tell us more about yourself, your faith in God, and how it has affected all areas of your life?

Stephanie: So this is kind of a loaded question for me. I have seen so much growth and transformation in all areas of my life because to the best I can, as a daily practice, I practice being obedient, and I practice surrendering all areas of my life to God so I can allow him to move on my behalf to further his purposes and his plan for my life. I am a personal and spiritual growth coach, An author, and a speaker.

The coaching resulted from a breakdown point in my life where I was experiencing depression and gross darkness. A shallow end where God brought me out by using the verse Jeremiah 29:11; For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper, not to harm you; plans for a hope and a future.

From that verse, He also led me into this idea of becoming a Christian life coach. So I pursued that coaching. From my coaching, certification, and the coaching training, I developed and turned into my butterfly. I underwent another spiritual transformation besides the one I had when I initially accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.

Another spiritual change resulted when I fully surrendered and entirely gave over my life to God. I also am a mom. I have two little kids under the age of three. I am a military wife, and we live in the state of Colorado. So personally and professionally, I am swamped most days. But God has placed this on my heart; he has put the encouragement and the strong desire to help women transform into who God has called them to be, so that’s also been the foundation for the book.

Question 2: From your blog, you said you are a certified personal growth coach; how has this helped you define who you are? How did the journey to becoming this began?

Stephanie: I believe I incidentally already answered this question. I was newly married, and we moved away from family and friends. I did not know anyone, and I also left my full-time career to follow my new husband for his job and career. So from that point, I had a kind of identity crisis, and I’ll go a step further, I had a purpose crisis as well. Who am I? What am I doing here? What is my purpose? I felt all of these things, and I called them out to God.

And once I called them out to God, he was faithful to show me, lead me, and direct me into the plans he had prepared for me. I also have my Master’s degree in psychology, and before I kind of went on this track of devoting my life to Christ over and over again and submitting my will and adapting his will. I did not want to see any people. I did not want to hear people’s problems.

That was not what I wanted to do. But I feel that God has somewhat of a sense of humor because he’s used that training and that psychology background that I have to help me also relate to the people that I work with, the ladies that I support, and the book The Butterfly Blueprint: How to renew your mind and grow your faith that I know we’re going to talk a little bit more about today.

The book is also heavily entrenched in cognitive psychology and what we think about ourselves. Our perceptions, based on our beliefs and our values, so I won’t get too much into that. But that’s the stepping stone, if you will, from the life coaching that delved from my transformation and my personal spiritual growth that I received when I implemented what the book talks about as the blueprint or the steps on how to renew your mind and grow your faith.

Question 3: Your new book: The Butterfly Blueprint: How to renew your mind and grow your faith. I love this title; how did you come about it? What advice can you give to Christian authors out there, what perks must they avoid when naming their book?

Stephanie: So this is going to be kind of a cliche answer. But honestly, God gave me the title. I struggled so long with the right title; I went back and forth, back and forth. One of the other title options I liked was: Becoming his Butterfly, but it didn’t seem to make the connection that I wanted it to make. So I was laying in bed one night, and all of a sudden I heard the words. God was speaking to me like he often does, and I don’t know if it has happened to anyone else, but in the middle of the night, right before I’m going to bed, he usually fills me with the Holy Spirit. I get many words, a lot of guidance and direction so much that I have to kind of turn over and write some of it down. Otherwise, I’m afraid I’m going to lose it.

Then He whispered the words to me, the Butterfly Blueprint, and at first, I thought, Okay, well, that seems catchy, but it doesn’t make any sense. Like, what is a Butterfly Blueprint? Exactly. So I prayed more about it and spoke to a couple of wise counsel (if you will). And we came up with the butterfly blueprint: how to renew your mind and grow your faith. The how-to, of course, is not specific. If you follow all of these steps, then you’re going to get this result. It’s not like that is the how-to that’s adaptable.

It’s a how-to that is flexible based on how the spirit speaks to you, based on how the Holy Spirit is leading you and guiding you into your unique deep relationship with Christ. So when we were looking at naming the book officially, I didn’t have the word to put in front of it. I just had the story: Butterfly Blueprint. It didn’t have ‘The.’ One suggestion would be to name and use that authority over your title. The Butterfly Blueprint has a lot more emphasis, has a lot more weight than Butterfly Blueprint. 

Some people will tell you to avoid subtitles or to make a specific title and then allow the back of the book to explain what you’re talking about altogether. And I would agree with that to a point, but I think it’s helpful to have a punchy title and then you have a subtitle that is giving you these ideas, those keywords, what people will search for and what they should expect from your book.

For mine, how to renew your mind and grow your faith, renewing your mind, and grow to extend (develop) trust (faith) in God are keywords that people search and look for. It is yes, I was thinking about how do I renew my mind? What does that look like? It was Yes. How do I grow my faith? Like, how do I dive deeper into my relationship with God? So I think using these keywords helps us when we’re looking at the title of a book. 

Also, interestingly enough, the cover of my book has a purple butterfly. Now, this purple butterfly has a significance in and of itself. The Purple Butterfly stands for the two colors that make up purple, which is red and blue. The red stands for Christ’s bloodshed for us, the sacrifice that he made on the cross so we could be free and seen righteous in the eyes of God, and then the blue stands for the word of God.

The Bible is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. These two colors together make purple, and purple in the Bible stands for royalty. We are daughters and sons of the highest king. So this idea that we are royalty, royal priesthood in Christ makes up the Purple Butterfly.

Question 4: How many months did it take for you to complete the first draft? Was it tough? Is this your first book? And how did you come out victorious? Because, to me, this is a trophy.

Stephanie: I so appreciate you framing the book as a trophy and me claiming victory because I do. I feel such a sense of accomplishment that God has prepared me. And he has given me all of the tools necessary to run this race. Of course, on the one hand, I feel that okay, the book is out now. Now what? Now, what do I do? We build up all of this anticipation, all of this excitement, and then it’s all done. It’s like, okay, what happens now? 

But now is the most exciting part, because now I continue to be faithful in doing the small things and watch God move on my behalf. For the draft, this is a funny story; in 2019, I was led to write a book. So in January 2019, I wrote most of the book known as The Butterfly Blueprint. But it had nothing with the Butterfly; at first, it had nothing to do with the Butterfly. I think it was focused more on this idea of these five keys in the book now, but they’re framed a little bit differently, more about each life stage and cycle of the butterfly.

So I wrote this first draft; it was about 20,000 words. Then I had plans to publish it later that year in 2019, but the next month I found out I was pregnant, so I learned that I was going to have a baby in 2019, but it wasn’t going to be the book baby that I thought it was going to be an actual baby. 

So I went ahead and followed God’s lead to put that book project on the shelf, knowing that he had put this desire and this vision in my heart so profoundly that he would let me know when it was time to pick it back up and see it all the way through. So fast forward to January 2020, before all the COVID stuff happened, I felt that call again, to pull out that book and continue writing until I saw it through. I was offered a keynote speaking opportunity that also catalyzed being able to finish that draft. And from there, that’s when God revealed to me that this book needed the Butterfly. This book required the aspect of the butterfly so we could see the stages of spiritual growth and transformation from each area and each point. 

Now, what I have neglected in my previous answer (refers to question 2) to who I am and about my life coaching is the butterfly. My ministry is called Butterfly beginning, so this idea of the butterfly is evident in many areas of my life. I struggled to implement the butterfly aspect into this book because I thought, well, that’s too obvious. There has to be something else. 

But God just continued to direct me, and he just continued to lead me into saying, Oh, no, It’s about ‘the butterfly’. And so I was able to follow his lead and guidance and made it the Butterfly Blueprint. I doubled almost, maybe even a little more doubled my word count going from 20,000 words to 40,000 words using the Butterfly Blueprints. Most of the book was written in about a month. But with careful edit and revision following God’s direction, that’s when I was able to see it turn into what we now know as The Butterfly Blueprint.

Interview Team: Before we proceed to the next question, let’s go for a quick commercial break. Enjoy a video addressed to ‘Young girls’ in the society by SAPHICS MEDIA


Question 5: I would love the audience to be enlightened on the topic: Deciphering Godly themes in their lives. What is it about? And how can they bring a message out of their mess, trusting God in the process?

Stephanie: Deciphering Godly themes in their lives can look at the messages or look at the reminders; maybe God brings a specific scripture to mind. Perhaps he’s getting a word to mind. Something is just repeatedly pressed on your heart, maybe even something someone mentions or you hear something on TV, or you listen to music. But something is just continuingly impressed, you know, making an impression on you. 

So deciphering Godly themes is looking at these messages that stand out to you. A new example is this, I was reading through my devotional a couple of days ago, and in a short paragraph towards the end, the author mentioned that we could be busy without being fruitful. So busyness does not equal fruitfulness, and that just popped out at me, requiring me to think and meditate about it more, finding Scriptures to support it, and evaluate what God was trying to tell me.

This is how you can start to tap and lean into the messages that God is giving you, what he’s trying to remind you of, how he’s trying to guide you, and it could be little things. It can be just being obedient to the nudges or the promptings that he gives you. My mom shared the other day that she was at a meeting, and she usually never talks at this meeting. But she felt that nudge. She felt that prompting to speak up in that meeting. And she did, and she obeyed.

She used the power that the Holy Spirit gave her by following that nudge. Because she obeyed, it resulted in talking more, one on one with the other people that came up to her and personally thanked her for sharing her story.

So that’s also a massive thing of mine, just the importance of sharing your story, the matter of being authentic and transparent. But, these Godly themes could be messages and things that stick out to you, and they pop out to you with what you read, what you hear, what you see. I encourage you to lean into them and to lean into God, who is trying to show you something. He’s either trying to show you your next step. He’s trying to provide you comfort in hard times. He’s trying to show you what having hope will look like. 

It means that as we lean into him, he will lean into us more. The Book of Jeremiah even tells us that we will find God when we seek God with all of our hearts. It means that we cannot be half in and half out, but we have to be all in. When we do, he continues to communicate with us; he continues to show us and reveal to us what he has for us in these small steps of faithful obedience.

PART II- Questions on the Author’s relationship with God, and accepting compliments (The Christian Author Interview)

Question 6: Why are you attracted to Butterflies? Is there a theme in your life applicable to butterflies?

Stephanie: I think I’ve alluded to this before, but going way back, butterflies have always had a significance in my family’s life. On my mother’s side, it was my great-grandmother, grandmother, and my mom, and I have always been attracted to butterflies. But my great grandmother has what they called a butterfly blessing. It was a short poem talking about the beauty of a butterfly flying away, having unique wings, and spreading kindness and compassion. It’s this whole little butterfly blessing that kind of started as the blueprint or the cornerstone of my coaching ministry. Also, from their talks about that transformation, you are no longer a caterpillar, but you are a butterfly. 

So the book is a culmination of all of my heart, all of the things that I have learned, all of the things that my clients have learned while working with me and having their spiritual growth and transformation. So transformation, it could be a small or large transformation. But for me, butterflies have always symbolized the epitome of being a new creation in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that if anyone is a new creation in Christ, behold, the old is gone, the original is here. So we have this responsibility once we become changed and transformed into who God has called us to be, and the butterfly was the epitome of that.

I find many people view spiritual growth and transformation differently. God gives them different analogies, different illustrations. In the book of Corinthians again, Paul uses this idea of a baby, from an infant to a baby, to a toddler, you know, going up developmentally. It all centers on how you spiritually developed in that capacity. I love how God speaks to us through different analogies and different metaphors. But for me, the illustration has always been the butterfly.

Question 7: How has your relationship with God developed or affected your writing? 

Stephanie: This is another loaded question because I always wrote, I had a dysfunctional childhood, so one of the outlets I ever used was writing. I would write poetry as a child and as an adolescent to help get my thoughts out and release what I felt. As I grew up into a young adult and then an adult and got married and everything, I started journaling more, focusing on what it meant to journal. I also started my blog at the at the time when I started my coaching certification and my coaching school transformation experience.

So I was blogging just about that experience as a release of how to get out what I was feeling, how I was doing and how God revealed all of these things to me as I was going through this process. That quickly just catapulted into this whole big thing of sharing what God has done and what He has shown me in my life. These could be in the big acts of struggles or the big things that I’ve overcome or the big things that I’ve had to experience.

It could also be in small things like noting something about my child, a toddler right now, and is in a very tough age. I was able to see the sinful nature in its rare form and proper form of what it means to be selfish, what it means to live apart from Christ and have that constant  ‘me, me, me’ mentality and understanding that that’s where she is, and also being you know, two and a half years old has helped me better develop a perspective and plan on how to show her, teach her, and lead her. I eventually helped her develop that relationship with Christ and of herself. 

So writing for me has always been cathartic. It’s always been therapeutic. It’s always been something that I’ve done to release what God reveals to me that I had no idea like for my blog posts and the book. Writing to me is an act of obedience.

But God pulls out these truths, and he reveals things to me. I think of a perfect quote that sums this up that I read somewhere: It’s that

We write for ourselves, but we edit for our audience.

I think that is 100% true.

I am pouring my heart and soul into writing because I’m writing for myself to release and heal from experiences or to be able to process what I’m going through. But ultimately, I edit for my audience, so my writing will translate into impacting others through the message that God has given me.

Question 8: I find it hard to accept or believe people’s compliments about me, especially the good ones. If someone likes my book, I don’t readily admit this. Can I say this is a phase? And how should it be dealt with? This question is about the post on the danger of self-deprecating humor.

Stephanie: I know I wrote about this post, and there is such a fine line between being humbled to the point that God had us to do and also just devaluing ourselves and devaluing the gifts and the abilities and the talents that God has given us. And I walk that tightrope. I struggle with that a lot.

More people have come in and said, I love your book. It’s helping me. This is how I was able to apply it and see a change and see a difference and how I’ve responded to my world and how I’ve better dealt with my emotions. And this was healing for me to read, and I hear it, and it goes in one ear and out the other, but I don’t necessarily let it absorb. I don’t let it sink in.

Maybe I am afraid to let the gravity of the fact that God has used my obedience and the message that he has given me personally to transform other people, which is silly, right? Because that’s why I wrote the book. I wrote the book as an act of obedience to listen to what God has told me to do and to share what he has given me, but also in knowing that God will use those words to transform other people’s hearts, other people’s minds, into who they have, who he has called them to be. 

So I would say that we need to be careful about devaluing what God has given us. When people say I love your book or it’s so great or it was helpful or so relatable, I do say thank you because thank you; I don’t diminish or depreciate what they’re trying to compliment me. But instead, I might even say sometimes, thank you, that was all God or all God through me, but thank you. You know, just giving him the glory and giving him the praise. But also, I do not diminish the compliment that they are trying to give me. Often, we can kind of use this idea of humor to devalue what God has given us.

Like, I don’t know if that makes any sense, but it made sense to me at the time. Hahaha. And I wanted someone to validate that. Oh, no, it makes perfect sense. Oh, no. I got what you were trying to say out of it. It is also related to our holy confidence, which is another subject on its own, one we could talk about. I spoke about this on my blog in July; I did a whole series on holy confidence and what it looks like to be confident in Christ and to be confident in who he has called you to be and to put our trust in him and not of our abilities or our talents or what the world says for anything like that. But avoid this idea of self-deprecation, either a humor form or just fishing for compliments.

Question 9: Going through phases in life, does it become easy as we grow up? I like that your book is about the metamorphosis of a butterfly; applying that to our walk with God; do we become better or wiser in dealing with some situations? 

Stephanie: So, the answer to this is ideally, yes. Ideally, we will be able to transform every area of our life because we have surrendered all areas of our life to him. Some people may not realize that spiritual growth is not just reading the Bible, more praying, more knowing scripture off the top of your head, but spiritual growth is really how readily we can surrender that area over to God. How are we able to say not my will Lord, but your will in all areas of our life? To see him move in our finances, and our relationships, maybe with our spouses or our kids and even in our career.

Now I will say that in the book; I talked a lot about my struggle with food and what that looked like and how I had to identify why I was always going to food. What was food offering me?

Why was I searching for this worldly comfort and this instant gratification when God had something so much more significant, so much better for me? If I could lay that on the table and give that over to him, things would get better. We have to do this heart cleansing or evaluation continually. What am I going to? What am I searching for? What am I seeking? And how am I putting that into practice in every area of my life? 

I talk about that; it’s not in all or nothing thing in my book. You are not only a butterfly. You’re not only a caterpillar. You’re not only heavenly focused or solely worldly focused, but instead, we can kind of flip flop back and forth based on the different areas of our life. I might have been a butterfly in one place, but I was still very much a caterpillar in my eating and my mindset around eating, and I felt comfortable in this stage. 

A quote in the book that I mentioned is comfort in the familiar, even in the dysfunctional. And that’s exactly what I was experiencing. And it was until God bopped me on the head. Um, not, you know, not literally, but it wasn’t until he got my attention that I was able to see that no amount of food, no amount of going to food for this comfort or the source of peace was going to give me peace or give me comfort.

I desired more comfort from food, and it just makes you feel worse than before. So, identifying what you are holding onto, that maybe you need to give over to God, helps us become better and wiser in dealing with situations because we see God first; we seek first the kingdom of righteousness, and then all else will be given to us.

Interview Team: Readers, listeners; I do hope you are enjoying this episode. Permit us to go for another quick break. Watch this video below, no problem if you skip it (smiles)

Question 10: What will you say to the Christian out there who struggles to grow his faith in God? Is there a shortcut to a quick result?

Stephaine: I would say that the only shortcut I can think of is to persevere, be consistent. You may not feel that God is good right now. You may be going through the motions. You may be feeling spiritually stuck. And for that, I say that I wrote this book for you. I wrote it to show you that if you’re able to identify what is causing you to feel stuck, you can let that go and give that over and allow God to come to transform you from the inside out.

Identifying the areas that you’re struggling with, the progress that you’re not seeing, or if you feel that there is a wall there, I encourage you to dive deeper into the word of God. You may not think that He is good, but you know that He is right? We don’t have to believe that he is good to see that he is.

So I encourage you to stand on the promises that he has given us in the Bible. Stand on his faithfulness, remind yourself of maybe where you were before and how he brought you out of that. Your metamorphosis, your transformation, and seeing that God always desires us to grow in a deeper relationship with him. Now, on this side of heaven, we will never be perfect. We will never be just like Christ. But our call and our role in this world are to pursue him continually and always seek him.

And as a result of that, he will make us new. And he will cleanse us from all unrighteousness and use all of the mess, all of the pain, all of the struggle for him and even walking with him.  He will use that for his good and his glory. I would say, hold on, sister, or brother, hold on to the promises and the hope that God has given you. The book of Hebrews says:  If we hold on unswervingly to the hope that we profess, he promised he is faithful.

PART III- Questions on the Author’s favorites, and where to purchase her book (The Christian Author Interview)

Question 11: What is your favorite verse of the Bible? And also, what chapter of your new book is your favorite, and why? 

Stephanie: So I mentioned a little bit before Jeremiah 29 11. That verse has a significance in my heart because that’s the verse that God led me to and called me out of the pit of despair, called me out of the self-loathing season that I was in. Another verse that I like is 2 Corinthians 5:17 If anyone is a new creation in Christ, behold, the old is gone; the new is here.

We are new creations in Christ. You don’t have to keep living from that caterpillar perspective. You don’t have to keep focusing on what the world is telling you. Or measure success based on their standards. Instead, you march to the beat of your drum. You do things that Christ tells you to do, and you essentially ignore what the world is telling you to do. 

In my life, I strive to do what is right, and to do what is right is not always easy, and I think my favorite chapter of the book is Chapter five. It’s called the label maker, so it talks about the weight and value placed on the words that people have spoken over us or the stories that we have said over ourselves. What we hear about ourselves, our beliefs, abilities is what we kind of start to live under.

So I shared that I always struggle with the idea of not feeling good enough. I was still working to live up to the standard that I could be doing this more. I could be doing that more. I am not a good mom. I am not a good wife. I am not a good writer.

All of these things, feeling like I am not good enough and the likes. I was able to take those labels off, realizing that God has not placed these labels on me. God has placed the label of you are valued. You are cherished. I have lavished my love for you. You are adored. You are made new, and  I could go on and on and on, but instead of allowing those labels and living under them. I had to live out my life and to do what I call “live transformed.”

I had to live what it means to be the daughter of the highest king and not live, thinking that I am not good enough and don’t have value. So Chapter five is one of my favorites because it talks about the lies that we have told ourselves, the false beliefs that we have believed about ourselves, and how that has kind of warped our perspective of ourselves and our abilities. 

Once we’re able to release that, once we’re able to say these are the things that I have believed but by God’s grace, he has cleansed me; he has healed me and these are not the truth about me; we instead claim God’s truths and his promises. That’s when we start to see this veil of uncertainty or this veil of not good enough lifted.

Question 12: What do you think is the major challenge to having full faith and growing in God for Christians? And, how does this affect our life?

Stephanie: I mentioned this a little bit before, but it comes down to the fact that doing what the world is doing and believing what the world tells you to think and strive for is so much easier than going against what they say. They say success is number, successes, power and achievement, and status. God doesn’t say that; God doesn’t say that. Success is how high your book is ranking on Amazon or anything like that.

God says that it is about soul transformation. It is about leading people to Christ. It is about calling them back to him, allowing them to reveal themselves and be honest and open with themselves and with God; so that he can come and transform them.

So it’s really about being able to remove yourself from this idea of what the world says is going to give you happiness and what the world says is going to provide you with satisfaction and be obedient and have that holy confidence again to step into your full faith and allow God to grow you, shape you and change you; once you put your relationship with God first; he will start to transform every area of your life, and honestly, he has probably been working in every area of your life. 

But until you’re able to seek him first, you won’t be able to see how he has moved. And for those of you that might be struggling with really, really hard things, I want to encourage you that God is moving. If even though you can’t see it, God is moving and God is working on your behalf, there might be prayers that you have been praying, maybe praying for someone’s salvation; someone’s healing, someone’s rescuing, and I want to encourage you to keep on praying, keep on believing. Keep on persevering in it because God is using that even though you can’t see it.

It might not be a change that happens tomorrow. It might not be a change that occurs in a week or a year from now, but I promise you God is using that. When we are obedient to continue to ask, seek, and knock, that’s when we start to see God move because we have been faithful in what he has called us to do.

Question 13: Getting inspiration for your book, each chapter and all; how was the process like? Was it easy? 

Stephanie: As I said, I wrote the first draft of the book within a little over a month. So it was pretty easy. I sat down, and I just wrote and wrote and wrote. My friend, at one point, was holding me accountable, and I was checking in with her to let her know that I wrote each day. And I don’t even remember the goal expressly that I set; it might have been a number goal, but I remember she shared with me that I ended up writing 9000 words in one day. So I feel like, for me, it was not hard because God just spoke through me, and he just said, Okay, now is the time. 

And I was able to get all of the thoughts and all of the words that he had given me from my head onto the computer and type them out. So that was easy. Now when I started to know that I needed to add more words and this was before God revealed to me the idea of the butterfly and what it means to be in a butterfly egg stage and then a caterpillar stage and then a cocoon stage, and finally the butterfly stage. I was struggling, trying to figure out; okay, what do I add more? How do I make this more than just 20,000 words? Once that butterfly idea came, I started using that perspective on our spiritual growth and transformation, relating it to how God shapes us became a lot easier.

Question 14: Who is your favorite Christian Author? Your favorite Christian book and movie also? 

Stephanie: One of my favorite Christian authors is Lysa Terkeurst, and I quote her a couple of times in my book. I went to her writing and speaking conference in 2016, when I  was just a  new Christian life coach. Her meeting changed me. She is one of my favorite Christian authors; also Wendy Pope, who might be a little less known, but she is another of my favorite Christian authors. She had a book called Wait and See. I went to one of her workshops where she was giving out free copies of this book, and I have since been giving copies out to other people who are in periods of waiting, who are in periods of what I termed the cocoon stage.

My favorite Christian book, I would say besides the Bible, of course, I’d say, Wait and see is probably one of my favorite books. And a movie would be War room, a film that addresses the power of prayer in our marriages. It is a reminder that the struggles that we face are not against flesh and blood but from the spirits of darkness against us. I love the War room. I think that is one of my favorite Christian movies.

Question 15: How can we connect with you, and how can your book be purchased?

Stephanie: My website is, and from there, you’ll be able to learn more about me, my coaching, as well as be able to read my blog posts.  To purchase the book, you can either do so by clicking a link on my website. It’s also available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. For those outside Nigeria, you can get it from my publishing agency called Lucid Books. Let me also chip this in; I am also a co-author and one of the contributors to the I am enough in Christ devotional; before I wrote my book. So, I became a co-author before actually writing my first book.

Where and how to listen to THE CHRISTIAN AUTHOR PODCAST:

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Until then,


17 Responses

  1. This sounds like an incredible book! One that we all would benefit from. I love to hear how the Lord leads people to find His purpose for their lives! Thank you for sharing this interview!

  2. What great information about this author. The book, “The Butterfly Blueprint,” sound like something I need to check out. Thank you providing so much detailed information and thanks for introducing us to authors. God bless.

  3. So proud of Stephanie, her book sounds great! I can really relate to the part about her moving away from all friends and family because I had to do that as a newlywed too! Thanks for sharing this interview. I really gave me a chance to learn more about her and her book!

  4. So wonderful to hear the why behind each author’s story and what inspired them. This sounds like a great book and l love butterflies. They signify my own journey 🤗

  5. Great interview about the Butterfly Blueprint and getting to know Stephanie better. I look forward to reading her book on transformation in Christ.

  6. such an insightful interview. So great to “meet” Stephanie. Also, this sounds like a great book! Thank you for sharing!

  7. I loved this whole interview. What really stuck with me is Renewing the Mind and how we follow God’s leading on how to do that in our own lives. I find that I can never let up on this. It’s so easy to slip out of the habit of daily renewing my mind in His Word.

  8. This was a very beautiful interview. Ibam so happy for everything God is doing in your life. I have always thought of the butterfly as a sign of growth and change as well. That’s why I always use butterflies for my logos and backgrounds. I look forward to reading your book. Blessings, Joni

  9. Such a cool inside look at writing and publishing and how God led the process! And I love the continued theme of surrender to God as a way to peace in all things. Be blessed!

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