Waiting is a phase everyone passes through, and what we wait on God for differs from one person to another. From seeking admission to getting a job after graduation, waiting to have a child of your own, getting a spouse, promotion, healing, awaiting a miracle, marriage, and lots more, are what individuals wait on God for.
But when it seems the waiting period is getting longer than you expected, what do you do? Do you start to lose hope and shift your focus from God? Do you start accusing God of not doing what He has promised to do? Or you start looking for ways to help yourself out of your situation even if it’s in an ungodly way?
The devil will whisper so many discouraging words to you just to make you lose hope and give up. But don’t. Hold on still. He has many lies from the pit of hell, but don’t listen to them.
What do you do while you wait or when it seems you’re tired of waiting?
Follow me on this series, as we delve deeper into what Christians should do while waiting in God.
But, before we proceed in the series; let me chip this in:
Wait Patiently On God
Yes! Read that again “Wait patiently on God” There is a big difference between waiting on God hurriedly and waiting patiently. Let us check out a popular king in the Bible who waited, but he impatiently destroyed the hours of waiting because of tiredness.
According to 1 Samuel 13:1-14, King Saul waited for Samuel, even till the seventh (last) day to come and offer the sacrifice as Samuel as promised. But he gave up on his waiting when his answer was near. He hurried just when that period was almost over, and this marked the beginning of his errors. The Kingdom was taken away from him.
Do you know what contributed to Saul’s impatience? His soldiers! The people around him. Because those he trusted and has been made king over were leaving him alone, forgetting that the God who gave him instruction to wait is with him, beside him. He chose to listen to what people were saying, forgetting what the prophet; the mouthpiece of God has said. So pathetic!
Many also are like Saul, who are waiting but not patiently. Because your mates are leaving you behind to get married in whichever way it comes is not enough reason for you to jump God’s process for your life. Because others are going about launching their ministries, starting their churches, and many more do not give you a go-ahead with yours. Avoid unnecessary pressure while you wait. Your process and timing are different from others. You can render your period of waiting useless if you fail to wait until the appointed time like Saul.
When you fail to wait patiently, what ought to be yours can be given to another who is waiting in God patiently. For instance, Jesus might have been called the “Son of Saul” instead of “Son of David” What a great thing Saul missed because his kingdom was taken away from him.
Just like partial obedience is total disobedience, partial patience is also total impatience. Impatience is deadly! Trust me, you can never be too patient. Remember, the wait is always worth it in the end.
Learn from King Saul. In your waiting period, who do you focus on? Who are you listening to? Are you waiting patiently?
God expects you to rest and trust Him while you’re waiting on Him. He’s coming BIG for you! Be encouraged, dear.
Join in on this series; WHAT TO DO WHILE WAITING ON GOD as we discuss more on the importance, danger, and great benefit that is hidden when we decide to wait on God and not be impatient.