Sexual immoralities and addictions are very rampant in our world today and this is because the world doesn’t see sex as a divine and sacred part of marriage anymore, now even young children desire to grow alongside this crazy vibe of the world. Sexual addictions can be so frustrating and annoying, the grip on one’s life can be so strong that leaving it may seem like death. Well, the truth is that the breakthrough from it is actually is death. Questionable reply, right? Read on to know more.
Let me tell you my story. The quest for peace and satisfaction in life lured me into an erotic ritual-Masturbation and pornography. They became my favourite masters, my drugs, and stress relievers. I was trapped in the hole that seemed to be freedom to my soul. My body craved nothing more than to give in to the satisfaction it needed—sometimes, twice a day.
The peace that I craved for, I got that, but it was short-lived. Masturbation didn’t give me lasting peace. It was like candlelight. It lights up the entire room at first. Once the wax starts to melt, the light gradually dies until it finally dies and the whole room is plunged into darkness.
I believe that there are factors that contribute to one’s bad addiction to some vices, it could be a burning desire to get relaxed, be happy, and have peace to stand right in the society. To me, those addictions were my saving dose from depression, I thought I was enjoying my life through masturbation, hardly did I ever know that I was in bed with the devil.
Many things affect one’s life due to sexual addictions, I can testify to that. At a point in my life, I lost my self-worth, hit zero-level self-esteem, and was never proud of my actions. And because of masturbation, I made a new friend– ANXIETY!!
I became anxious about my environment, swung in and out of anger for no just cause. I befriended bitterness and worry, flirted with suicidal thoughts. From being a prisoner of anxiety, I landed into what I thought I was running from -DEPRESSION!!
I reached out to different sexual purity academies and organizations. They welcomed me, helped me, and prayed for me, but I didn’t have a quick miracle. One Sunday morning, as I was preparing to go to Church, I had a passion to pray for myself. And I made a simple but sincere request, “God if you don’t kill masturbation and its devices in me, they will kill me! Please help me, Father.” Well, I got up and went to Church. After church service, I met the head pastor praying for deliverance from immoralities. I claimed the prayer, I believed it, and thank God it is a testimony today.
When I mentioned ‘death’ in the previous paragraphs, It is not death in the sense of losing one’s life, but the one that makes one receive God’s life.
Freedom starts from believing the gospel of Christ.
Receiving God’s life is not a difficult nor an expensive task to do, just believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died and resurrected for your redemption, confess your faith in Him and submit to His lordship over your life. You will sense a deep conviction and transformation in your spirit, and the Holy Spirit will start bearing witness with your spirit that you are God’s child.
5 ways to overcome sexual Immoralities
If you are a believer desiring to be free from sexual addictions, you need to do the following.
Deception is one of the strongest weapons of the enemy. He makes you believe you can never be free, often you feel the flesh stronger than the Spirit of God. But, do not forget; that the Spirit is stronger. Once you realize, that the strength to overcome sexual immoralities doesn’t come from you; but from above according to Psalms 121:1; you are closer to victory than you imagine. Do not allow yourself to be caught up in the web of deception; proclaim your strength in Christ. Do not pamper the chains on you; it is so hard to be free when a sinner sees the chains of sin around him/her as an ornament.
What does it mean to be poor in Spirit? Those poor in spirit, are those who recognize their own spiritual poverty and need of God. They are those who are completely dependant on God; they are those who stop trying to please God by themselves. They are not after gaining brownies or coins before God for mercy. They are humble in heart; and lowly in Spirit. Once you accept; that you are not good enough but you need God, and the help of spiritual leaders when necessary; you are a step closer to divine breakthrough. Draw closer to the Lord, and He will draw closer unto you.
Galatians 5:1 says we should stand fast (walk in) the liberty wherewith Christ hath set us free. It didn’t stop there; there is a commandment attached. It says; we shouldn’t be entangled by the yoke of bondage anymore. Sexual immorality is bondage; whoever the Son hath set free is free indeed is a promise with a clause. Your freedom remains permanent if you do not deliberately indulge yourself in practices that ensnare you to the cage you have once been set free from. I do not deliberately put my hand into the fire, and expect not to be burned. So it is with the freedom we have obtained through Christ.
Your freedom remains permanent if you do not deliberately indulge yourself in practices that ensnare you to the cage you have once been set free from.
Be not conformed to the world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. In all activities you involve yourself in; let your mind be focused on Christ. Whenever the urge to sin comes; remember the freedom you can obtain through Christ. Remember, how sordid the past had been, and how sweet the present with God has been. Behold, I place before you life and death; choose life, that ye may live.
My Grace is sufficient for thee, says the Lord. Ask for Grace each day, from the stream that never runs dry. You are a testament of God’s grace; therefore live like one. Your story of overcoming needs to be heard; beloved in Christ; let us run the race ahead of us, with renewed grace and strength. Remember the scriptures in 2 Corinthians 12:9 and 1 Corinthians 15:10; God’s grace won’t be in vain in your life. Amen.
If this post helps; kindly let us know in the comment box; feel free to also share your tips, and ideas on overcoming sexual temptations.