How often should I think about God?

I am not always thinking of Him; is it wrong?

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Reread the heading, thinking about God, right? So I had a bizarre thought yesterday, weird I must confess, and then the next thing crossing my mind was; I must tell someone about it; maybe I would meet someone who shares the same view as mine.P.S. Kindly share your opinion at the end of the post, I want to hear you speak

Take a deep breath, I mean it; pause on this article and take a deep breath. Have you done that? Now, close your eyes; just for a few seconds and imagine yourself before the Saviour of the world. Did you see his robe shining bright? The warmth in the room you can’t express, the love that surges through you at the mention of that name; do you feel that? I did, and I smiled

But then, a guilty thought comes in; and I find myself asking How often do I think of the Saviour? Like how often do I put Him at heart?

HELP!!! I want to follow my heart but I don’t know how

Not very often


Maybe when necessary

I can’t remember


Now, I paused to wonder; does it means the saviour must preside my every thought every moment? Like when I am in the bathroom taking a shower from having a stressful day? Or when I am trying to joggle up reading my academic notes? Or when I am busy with a client or trying to put things in order online? Okay, must I think of him when I am about to make an online transaction for a digital course? Or maybe when I am going through emotional distress due to rejection? How often is it too much? How often little?

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I didn’t have answer

I mean, I never know whether this level of thinking was either too little or much

I didn’t know if He is happy because I think of him less or not

I can’t say whether He just wants me to think of him day after day or moments after moments.

I didn’t know and I felt guilty

I never thought of him when I made that decision,

Here is how to put your faith in God in all situations

I never thought of him when I sought that advice from a friend

I never thought of him when I joined that class

Was I to always think of him?

Conflicted? Confused?

Here is the ultimate question with a search for an answer; When should I think of Him?

The answer is ALWAYS, and in all THINGS

Now always doesn’t mean every minute or seconds or hour; it means I put Him first in all I do. I go to him for the little and biggest things, and I seek his guidance and peace in every step.

Always means, I always put those things that call for his anger or displeasure; I live my life to glorify him daily

Always means, I don’t behave unruly because others around me; it means I am ready to run to him in every situation

As a mother losing her child, I look on him

As a student, going for an exam; I think of Him

I seek for his glory even when others scorn me

I think of him even when my friend calls me to sin

I might not think of him when I am stressed up each day, but I am on guard when the enemy tries to steal away my joy.

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I call him Father not because I wanted something like gifts

I call him Father because I desire a relationship

Every step of the way, little things such as taking a deep breath in and out; I always remember I should always stay grateful to him

It is not about how often I think of him and I know I don’t live for his glory

It is always about what I desire to do while seeking his glory, thinking of him.

He is my father, and I am to honor him with my life

I am not thinking of him every moment,

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Well, that’s okay as long as in everything I seek his glory

If I don’t trade away my salvation when with friends, I am thinking of Him

I think of him more often in my subconscious mind

He sees my innermost thought,

And he knows I love to live for his glory

I think that’s how much I think of the Saviour

I live for his glory, and that’s more than enough.

Are you like me who feels guilty when you don’t think of God frequently?Drop your thoughts in the comments below on how you were able to combat these thoughts.

On a final note; I believe living to please God in all things and for his glory is actually thinking about him.

Trusting God 1

We are all just out here trusting the Lord; this is a picture quote to remind us that our hope shouldn’t be displaced in God this season. Let’s stay encouraged; God is on the throne always. Loads of love to you.

29 Responses

  1. Unlike you, I don’t feel guilty. Rather, I get all frozen up and cold towards him. Prayer becomes an extreme sport that I struggle to do, but I’ve to not beat up myself, crawl back to him like a wandering toddler and spread my arms for a hug.

    Guess what? His embrace sets the cold on fire, and we cool…again.

    1. I once felt that way with prayer; it was like a sport I struggled with; but I decided to read books, discipline myself to take it one step at a time. If I could wait 5 minutes before God in all sincerity, I could go 10 minutes another time. But, in all God, stills reminds me of his love always…

  2. For me, I’m always conscious of Christ. Christ has dominated my thinking. I feel it’s because of my prayer from Psalm 80:18 ‘Quicken us to call upon your name, and we will not depart from thee’. It’s solely all thanks to the Holy Spirit for his help because no man can help himself.

    However, my flaw is that most time, I know I have to do something. I know when the spirit beckons on my attention but procrastination and laziness would not allow one please God. I’m learning to say yes everytime.

    Thank you very much!

    1. I believe we all are in the valley of procrastination and laziness;- I can’t remember how often I pray to God to deliver me from laziness, but it took grace for me to learn discipline. I developed a strategy to combat laziness. It has helped me greatly, such that when something is laid in my heart by the spirit of God, I dicipline myself to act.

  3. I think this is something all Christians can relate to at some point in time. Thanks for being so open in your post.

  4. Always and in all things. I will be trying this too as sometimes l forget and l shouldn’t. So today l will be prompting myself with that sentence. Thanks for your encouragement!

  5. Thank you for giving me something to really think about. I do not think of God as often as I should, but I am focused on Him more than I used to be. So progress, and I am also closer to Him!

  6. Thank you for your honesty in this post. I do not think about God as much as I should but I am better than what I used to be. It is comforting to know He always thinks of me and as I learn to think about HIm more I get to know Him better!

  7. Interesting thoughts here! I think I have felt guilty at times for not thinking of Him as often as I would like. And then I just receive His Grace for my human-ness. I don’t think we are physically capable of thinking of Him 24/7, but I love your final thought that if we live to glorify Him, we ARE thinking of Him.

  8. This is such a good question because people can feel guilty in regards to this – where God is in their thoughts. I think when he becomes the Lord of your life, you are always thinking of him, whether it’s conscious or not. As you grow in him and with him, your thoughts are aligned with his. But such a good thing to think about!

  9. What an awesome post! God wants us to draw near to Him as often as possible but I don’t believe He beats us up when our mind wanders. The Holy Spirit always gently pulls me back in. God is so good to us, isn’t He? Love Him!

  10. Thank you for laying out your convictions so clearly. I love that you said that it’s not about thinking about God literally every second of every day. It’s about putting him FIRST in all we do.

  11. I love the way you covered the question “how often should I think about God?” There have been times in my life where I was thinking of Him and speaking to him frequently, and other times where I hardly prayed at all. I can really relate to this!

  12. I think if we live in the consciousness of who we are, it will be easy to act out our reliance on God. It’s a lifestyle.

  13. Thanks for this post! It is always best to seek Him first in everything. Though I also miss sometimes, what I love about Him is that even when I fall short He’s always perfect and always to the rescue. Praise God!

  14. I can totally relate to this! There are definitely seasons of life where God consumes all my thoughts and seasons where I don’t’ allow that to happen. I definitely have more peace and joy when my thoughts are consumed by him though!

  15. I have been a Christian for decades and I don’t think anyone taught me, I just knew to breathe in Christ and exhale Christ. I talk to Him constantly without thinking about it but sometimes I think I should have a longer more formal intercession time with God. Thank you for this thought provoking post!❤️

  16. This is a very good article. I did struggle with this when I first came to Christ. I liked the way you explained it. Thanks for sharing

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