Hillsong Worship ‘Awake’ Album

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With a 30+ year history and legacy of live worship albums, “Awake” is Hillsong Worship’s first studio album in almost two decades. Hillsong Worship has always represented the ‘sound’ of Hillsong Church. The opportunity to capture and express that through studio recordings was a catalyst for a sonic experience that is utterly true to the spirit and legacy of Hillsong Church whilst being significantly unique in the current worship music landscape.

The songs of “Awake” rouse the listener. Community, humanity, and divinity tangibly inform the sounds across the record as worship leaders’ voices are set against everything from harps to horn ensembles; synths to human percussion; spontaneous worship, small vocal ensembles and big choir to soaring guitars and the rustling, rumbling texture of intercession. (Source: HILLSONG OFFICIAL WEBSITE )

List of Songs in the album

  1. Dawn
  2. Awake My Soul
  3. Come Alive
  4. See the Light
  5. No one but You
  6. King of Kings
  7. I will praise you
  8. From whom all blessings flow
  9. Every breath
  10. Bright as the Sun
  11. Upper Room
  12. He Shall Reign

From the list, my favorite is: Awake My soul, King of Kings and Upper Room

Check out this: My top 10 list of Hillsong Worship songs (updated)

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Listened to any of the songs in the album? Care to share your thoughts in the comment box, hop in and let’s discuss.

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