A letter to Sister Martha

A Letter to Sister Martha

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Dear Sister Martha,

A woman of zeal and passion, with a strong drive towards the cares and satisfaction of the mortal subjected to decay and destruction.

You saw the need for the mortal body but lack the insight to discern the necessities of the soul.

How come you became so busy and occupied with so much encumbrances at the expense of your own soul?

You have always known me to be a Great Teacher worthy of reverence;
You have good intentions of receiving me into your house but unable to discern what my necessities could be.

You seem so concerned about serving but I have a priority that you fail to pay attention to.

If you have been so close to me, you would have understood that unlike every other guest, I cherish your soul more than your service;

It seems Mary has not done so well by leaving you to serve alone while she sat patiently to learn at my feet.

If you have been so intimate, you would have prioritize your time with me over your service for me.

A letter to Sister Martha

Why do you allow much encumbrances rob you of something of more eternal value?

Mary, your sister understood this, little wonder she stayed!

She chose to be here than to be there serving from afar;

She chose not to only reverence me but was intentional about becoming intimate;

Why are you getting yourself worked up over nothing?

Mary has chosen the most needful thing, the good part! Which shall not be taken away from her;

My words are becoming life in her;
I’m reproducing myself in her;


She is building a backbone and a sustenance through her wise choice;

But Martha! how do you intend to survive critical times with these superficial knowledge you have about me?

How do you intend to manage this insufficiency of me in you?

How do you intend to cope in times of troubles, trials and challenges? How do you intend to stand in critical times?

Martha! how?

Exposition on Luke 10:38-42: A letter to Sister Martha according to the Bible

The same way many people with a heart of reverence engaged in active service to the Lord without having any acquaintance with Him.

Many people work for God but never walk with God!
When physical gathering is banned, have you inward fellowship to keep you on the move?

Ask Mary and Martha, one will surely have much to say about Jesus than the other.

And I’m not surprised Mary never quit following Jesus even after His death untill He resurrect.

Here is a woman that has unwavering love for the master;

Always willing to stay close to Jesus all by herself and learn;

A woman with so much persuasion about her faith;

Concretized conviction because of underlying encounter with Jesus.

She stood by the Master’s grave on the day of resurrection until she saw Him Imagine the Joy within her when she heard the Master call her name. She recognized His voice immediately because of her cordial relationship with the Master.

Hello, can we talk?

Sister Mary or Sister Martha? Who do you represent?

Serving God is good, knowing Him and having a genuine relationship with Him is better.

Your pastor won’t always be there for you but Jesus will.
It is not enough to reduce your salvation to church attendance, paying tithe and offering or working in the church, You want become what God want you to be with that!

Jesus save you to first have you before you can serve Him.

“Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service” Romans 12:1

Engage Jesus today, He is all that matters!

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