Often we get knocked by what is termed “the storms of life” and during these times, we get so overwhelmed because the condition seems unexplainable and out of our control. In an attempt to get clarity of the situation, we run back and forth about the events that took place looking for the tiniest of clues to point to us where we’ve been wrong so we begin our road back to redemption but we find none.
At this moment, we feel devastated and tearful and under the sound of our breath, we ask, why me? In many occurrences, we’re hit with total depression.
Job’s story
We’re all familiar with the story of Job how he lost his fortune and the many unthinkable things that happened to him although he was described as an “upright man.”
Following the story about Job, there are three views of the story:
Friends’ view: you have sinned and that’s the reason for which you’re suffering.
Job’s view: I’m a just man and so do not deserve this kind of treatment.
God’s view: I am the Almighty, and my understanding of matters is unsearchable
Sin doesn’t always equate to calamities
If there’s any lesson from Job’s story, it is that good people can suffer too even when they’re innocent of any wrongdoing. It is important therefore to know that not all illness is caused by sin but only that purposefully allowed by the Almighty. This knowledge doesn’t take away the established fact that “the wages of sin is death”.
What you didn’t know
For any evil to happen to you or before any spirit could pose a challenge to you, it must have been allowed by God. The conversation between Satan and God completely proves that. Does that mean then that God wants evil to happen to us? No!
World’s view when we encounter Job’s kind of fate
If you live in a society like ours, Nigeria precisely and your fortunes suddenly nosedived without the slightest knowledge of what had happened, people around are readily available to speak the obvious words “Na blood money e do”. Be it as it may, it is totally not their fault to end up in such a hasty conclusion because man was built with limitations in their understanding of things and that’s why our search for God who holds all understanding cannot be under-emphasized.
Family’s view when we encounter Job’s kind of fate
You’d imagine that if outliers were judgemental of your sudden predicament, your family and friends at least should be there by virtue of the bond and on the basis that they know you better but instead of defending, they only compound your misery with miserly treatments that plunge you to a greater depth of depression. The ill names you end up being called by the public oftentimes begin from your household and they seize the opportunity they didn’t have before when all was well to shoot all manner of fiery darts your way.
How to conquer
When we go through trials, pains, temptation, anxiety, sickness, or evil, we should learn to see from God’s lenses because we don’t know it all. We are humans and hence limited in our understanding but God is unlimited in understanding. Job 37:23.
Learning to see from God’s perspective resounds back to Him that though we don’t understand yet we trust Him. Though we do not see yet we will fix our eyes on the hills. This sort of action was what father Abraham demonstrated when he was about to offer Isaac. You must remember also Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
Your situation might be grievous to even want to see from God’s standpoint but don’t make the mistake of missing out what He wants to work in you, through you, with you, and for you. God is just and all that he does reflects who He is. We don’t know it all but we must have faith enough to step into deep waters even though our feet may fail because we believe in Him who has called us unto this life.