The word “faithful” means loyalty to a person. Being truthful and honest. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary; It is defined as being steadfast in affection of allegiance. The holy scriptures give an account of the faithfulness of God from generation to generation. The faithfulness of God to his word over the generations can not be over-emphasized. The Word was written over 2000 years ago and it still remains valid. This is one important proof that God is faithful
The old hymn; “Great is thy Faithfulness” written by Thomas Chisholm points to the amazing faithfulness of our heavenly father.
Our God has been, is, and will always be compassionate and unchanging. In every season, in every aspect of creation, we can testify to his everlasting faithfulness. Our God is faithful to sinners. One of the ways in which we know that He is faithful to sinners is that; He makes the sun shine on them; He causes rain to fall on the same place where sinners and believers stay; sinners plant on the same farmland where a believer plants, and he makes the crop grow.
3 ways we know that God is faithful
There are ways in which we know that God is faithful. They include:
- We know this through His Word
In Hebrews 4:12, God’s Word is said to be “quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword.” The Greek word for quick means “alive, living, lively.” The Greek word for powerful means “full of energy, energized, active, effective.”
- He is faithful to His promises
God is not a man that promise, and will not fulfil them. Whatsoever he promises, he always fulfils it. He always fulfils his Word, He is ever faithful to his word. The scriptures are full of men and women who God has promised and fulfilled his word.
4 Bible characters God proved His faithfulness unto
1. Abraham: the life of Abraham depicts a man God was so faithful to, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted as righteousness” (Romans 4:3).
Abraham is referred to as the Father of Faith. Abraham and Sarah waited on God for so many years, before God fulfil his promises to them (Genesis 12:1-3).
God was faithful to His word by giving them a child after so many years, even when men taught they can not give birth again in their old age.
2. Joseph: Joseph was a young teenager, who was popularly known as the DREAMER, the young man revealed this to his Father and brothers, and this made his brothers hate him more, they sold him to the Midianites, despite all that he passed through, God still fulfils his word. He later became the prime minister of Egypt. God is Faithful!
3. David: God was able to use him to wrought wonders by killing Goliath the philistine, he believed God, who helped him to kill the Lion and the bear, is still able to help him, he held God by his word, and God fulfils it.
4. Mary: The mother of Jesus: she trusted in God, and she gave birth to Jesus, the saviour of the universe, without having sexual intercourse with a man.
- Personal experiences
I am also a person to which God has been Faithful unto. God has been faithful to me in the previous years, and I know He will continue to be faithful.
When I was trusting God for admission, He did it, when I least expected it. When all hope was gone, it was as if I will not gain admission. Jesus did it, about five years ago, he did it then, and he will do it again, Yes!, he will.
There is nothing I will pass through again, that I will be afraid of because I have the word of God in my heart, I’ve hidden his word in my heart, and I know that if he did it then, he will do it again.
Biblical Scriptures that tell of God’s faithfulness
God’s faithfulness is one of His richest character attributes and promises to His children.
1. Deuteronomy 32:4 – He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He.
2. Joshua 21:45
Not one of the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; everyone was fulfilled.
Even though this verse doesn’t have the word faithfulness in it, God’s faithfulness is highly evident in keeping every promise to Israel.
3. Psalm 33:4 – For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.
Every single action God takes is sure and steady. Every word He speaks is always good and true.
4.Isaiah 25:1 – Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.
5. I Corinthians 1:9 – God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.